My Projects


This is a website I made for DineIntel, an app that aims to revolutionize dining through tech innovation. The purpose of this website was to showcase the app, allow user authentication, account management, and subscription payments.

Tech Stack: React, Next.js, Node.js, Firebase, Stripe, TailwindCSS, Shadcn

POC Event

POC Event

I made this website for an organization. I worked with their UI/UX design team and implemented their Figma designs. The purpose of this website was to explain the operations of the organization, showcase their events, and allow visitors sign up to receive emails about upcoming events

Tech Stack: WordPress, PHP, MySQL, CSS, JavaScript, Mailchimp

Travel Advisor App

Travel Advisor App

This is a project I made to practice the use of multiple filters with multiple APIs interacting together to showcase restaurants, hotels, and attractions in any selected location.

Tech Stack: React, Material UI, Travel Advisor API, Google Maps API, Google Places API, Openweathermap API

Leo's Portfolio

Leo's Portfolio

This is a portfolio I made for a client. It has a sleek design and slide-in animations. The purpose of this website was to showcase the client's projects.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery

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